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2011年10月17日 星期一

The Process of Electric Screwdriver Operation

The Process of Electric Screwdriver Operation
Take HIMAX T/TL series DC electric screwdrivers for example.

1.     This criterion is for electric screwdriver operating use.
2.     The preparation before using electric screwdriver:
2.1  Ensure the electric voltage is right
2.2  Choose the proper bits due to the shape of the fasten screws
2.3  Ensure the torque needed to fasten the products.
3.     The approach to operate electric screwdriver:
3.1  Push the bit holder collar to load or unload the shank bits.
3.2  Connect the electric screwdriver with power supply, and set the “for/rev switch” “F” (clockwise) before loading the bits. Preset the torque you will need for the assembly task.
3.3  Let the trigger/lever side face user, pull the trigger/lever to start the electric screwdriver, and then the motor of electric screwdriver begin running and start the fasten task. When the power needed to fasten the screw excesses the preset torque (the screw is fasten), the clutch of electric screwdriver will skid automatically and the bits will stop spinning. The assembly task is then done.
3.4  When user release the trigger/lever, the power of electric screwdriver will be disconnect and the motor will stop running. The process above can be operate repeatedly to complete the assembly tasks. If you want to loosen the screw, please set the “for/rev switch” “R” (counterclockwise) and do the process 3.2 to 3.4 step by step.
3.5  Use the Torque Adjusting Nut of the electric screwdriver to set the torque. The scale on the Torque Adjusting Nut will correspond to the actual torque output.
4.     Cautions:
4.1  Set the switch of electric screwdriver power pack ”OFF” before the plug connection. Be sure the local electricity voltage is match up with the power pack limitation. Please unplug the power pack of electric screwdriver when it is unused.
4.2  Do not set the torque larger than the scale on torque adjusting ring.
4.3  Be sure that the power supply is unplugged and its switch is turn to “OFF” when changing the shank bits of electric screwdriver.
4.4  Do not throw down the electric screwdriver.
5.     Maintenance and repair:
5.1  Please clean and maintain the electric screwdrivers after the daily assembly tasks.
5.2  The long time and continuous operating will lead to the electric screwdrivers overheat. Please let it fully cool down and then start the operation again.


1.         適用範圍:電動起子
2.         作業前準備:
2.1    檢查電壓是否正常。
2.2    根據被鎖螺絲的形狀,配備好起子頭。
2.3    確認被鎖付產品的扭力。
3.         操作方法:
3.1    接上或卸下起子頭時,以指尖將起子鐵帽向上推。
3.2    插入電源, 將正反開關設定在 “F”的位置,裝上起子頭,預先調整鎖緊螺絲所需扭力段的位置。
3.3    手按開關壓板式啟動,按扣板機拉向自己的方向,然後開關就會啟動馬達運轉,開始操作鎖螺絲。當螺絲鎖付超出設定扭力時,離合器會自動打滑,起子頭停止轉動,作業完成。
3.4    當手按壓板開關放開時,起子電源就關閉,馬達停止工作,如此重複操作可繼續使用,如要鬆開螺絲時,開關應放在 “R”的位置,按上述操作即可完成。
3.5    調整扭力由底部之扭力調整環來調整,其機身本身段數並不代表輸出扭力值,以扭力表來表示。
4.         注意事項
4.1    在插頭插座以前,應使開關定位OFF,注意電源電壓是否適合該機使用,當螺絲機不使用或斷電時應將插頭撥開。
4.2    使用時,不要把扭力調整設定超過刻度段數。
4.3    在更換起子頭時,一定要將電源插頭撥離電源插座,且關閉螺絲刀電源。
4.4    使用時不要故意丟或摔撞擊此螺絲刀。
5.         維修與保養:
5.1    每天作業完成後,應清潔保養以保壽命。
5.2    連續使用時間過長,導致馬達發熱時應停止使用,待完全冷卻後方可使用。

HIMAX Electric Screwdriver is a professional electrical tool supplier in China since 2001. Like HIOS, Kilews, Delvo, Kolver, ASA, Conos and so on,  we are proficient in manufacturing electric screwdrivers. HIMAX Electric Screwdrivers are designed especially for the assembly line of  electronic products such as tablet, PC, laptop, digital camera, cell phone, game console, mobile devices and so on. HIMAX Electric Screwdriver possess accurate torque control to accomplish precision screw fasten tasks and can be used in automation system. Fastening small screws, electronic screw and miniature screw is what we are good at.
We also offer  torque screwdriver, torque meter, screw counter, screw feeder, screw driver bits and electric power supply for electric screwdrivers with less cost  but good  quality.
We are so confident of the quality of HIMAX electrical tools and we are one of the best electric screwdriver suppliers among all the China suppliers and even in the world.
Now you can find us on Facebook, Google+, Blogger,  and Yahoo blogs. You can also follow us on Twitter and Plurk. We provide useful knowledge of electric screwdrivers and electrical tools for plant workers, factory buyers and engineers. Welcome to visit .
HIMAX台力牌电动起子 始于2001, 位于中国宁波,是专业的电动起子、电动螺丝刀、电批、电动工具制造商及供应商。就像HIOS好握速, Kilews奇力速, Delvo, Kolver, ASA好帮手, Conos技友等品牌, HIMAX台力牌电动起子也是世界最佳电动起子品牌。 HIMAX电动起子/螺丝刀/ 电批是专为精密电子及机械组装线及生产线设计的。因为HIMAX电动起子拥有精确的扭力控制,同时能够锁附各类大小的微型电子螺丝、细小螺丝,因此各项精密产品如平板电脑, 个人电脑, 计算机, 笔记型电脑, 数位相机, 手机行动电话,电视游戏机, 随身小型游戏机, 及其他随身电子产品设备等等,皆可采用HIMAX电动起子进行产品组装以确保生产品质。
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