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2010年11月17日 星期三

電動起子, 電動螺絲刀, 電批分類與推薦


1. DC/直流電/低壓電式(須配合電源供應器/變壓器使用)
2. AC/交流電/直插電式
3. 充電式


DC/直流電/低壓電式優點: 扭力精度最高,散熱佳, 適合高頻率操作, 馬達不容易損壞, 整體故障率低, 電壓安全
DC/直流電/低壓電式缺點: 需帶電源供應器/變壓器, 沒有AC/交流電/直插電式方便
AC/交流電/直插電式優點: 攜帶方便
AC/交流電/直插電式缺點: 散熱不加, 馬達容易磨損, 故障率高,電壓不穩, 安全性較低
充電式優點: 可室外操作
充電式缺點: 扭力精度低, 高耗電, 價格高, 轉速低

強烈建議採用 DC/直流電/低壓電式 電動起子/電批, 現今變壓器多已設計為較輕巧方便攜帶, 且扭力精度高, 電壓穩定安全, 更適合精密(電子)商品組裝使用

推薦HIMAX T系列電動起子(T2, T3,T4, T5, T65)

HIMAX Electric Screwdriver is a professional electrical tool supplier in China since 2001. Like HIOS, Kilews, Delvo, Kolver, ASA, Conos and so on,  we are proficient in manufacturing electric screwdrivers. HIMAX Electric Screwdrivers are designed especially for the assembly line of  electronic products such as tablet, PC, laptop, digital camera, cell phone, game console, mobile devices and so on. HIMAX Electric Screwdriver possess accurate torque control to accomplish precision screw fasten tasks and can be used in automation system. Fastening small screws, electronic screw and miniature screw is what we are good at.
We also offer  torque screwdriver, torque meter, screw counter, screw feeder, screw driver bits and electric power supply for electric screwdrivers with less cost  but good  quality.
We are so confident of the quality of HIMAX electrical tools and we are one of the best electric screwdriver suppliers among all the China suppliers and even in the world.
Now you can find us on Facebook, Google+, Blogger,  and Yahoo blogs. You can also follow us on Twitter and Plurk. We provide useful knowledge of electric screwdrivers and electrical tools for plant workers, factory buyers and engineers. Welcome to visit .
HIMAX台力牌电动起子 始于2001, 位于中国宁波,是专业的电动起子、电动螺丝刀、电批、电动工具制造商及供应商。就像HIOS好握速, Kilews奇力速, Delvo, Kolver, ASA好帮手, Conos技友等品牌, HIMAX台力牌电动起子也是世界最佳电动起子品牌。 HIMAX电动起子/螺丝刀/ 电批是专为精密电子及机械组装线及生产线设计的。因为HIMAX电动起子拥有精确的扭力控制,同时能够锁附各类大小的微型电子螺丝、细小螺丝,因此各项精密产品如平板电脑, 个人电脑, 计算机, 笔记型电脑, 数位相机, 手机行动电话,电视游戏机, 随身小型游戏机, 及其他随身电子产品设备等等,皆可采用HIMAX电动起子进行产品组装以确保生产品质。
欢迎参观我们的网站 购各式工具,我们同时也在脸书、Google+、Blogger、Wordpress.com上分享各类电动工具维修操作要诀及相关知识,并定期公布新品资讯及优惠活动。您也可在推特及噗浪上关注我们的最新讯息。 HIMAX台力牌电动起子感谢您的支持!

